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About us

The museum of art from Dresden.

The Städtische Galerie Dresden is a real highlight for art lovers and those who want to become one! Just a stone's throw away from Dresden's famous Frauenkirche, our exhibition rooms are located in a magnificent historic country house from the 18th century.

KI generiert: Das Bild zeigt ein großes, mehrstöckiges Gebäude mit einem markanten roten Dach und traditionellen architektonischen Merkmalen. Auf der linken Seite des Gebäudes befindet sich eine moderne Außentreppe aus Metall.Foto: Carla Arnold

The art museum of the state capital

Since its opening in 2005, the Städtische Galerie Dresden has been showing a permanent exhibition and regularly changing presentations – as a window on the rich artistic production of the city and the surrounding region, from the 19th century to the present day. Our collection offers impressive works from the 19th and 20th centuries and is constantly growing, especially through the acquisition of contemporary art. Come by and discover the artistic diversity of Dresden.

We are part of the network of Museums in the City of Dresden.

 DSC3190Installation des Künstler Veit Hofmann im Treppenhaus des Landhauses, anlässlich des 10-jährigen Jubiläums der Städtischen Galerie Dresden. Für die Installation arrangierte der Künstler weit mehr als einhundert seiner als Anemophile bezeichneten Bildobjekte in dem saalartigen, symmetrisch angelegten Treppenhaus.
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The history of the collection

Our roots go back to 1869, when the Association for the History and Topography of Dresden was founded. After the First World War, the art collection experienced a great upswing under the direction of the art historian Paul Ferdinand Schmidt, particularly through the acquisition of important works of German Expressionist art.

However, dark times also shaped our history: During the Nazi era, many works were confiscated as part of the »Degenerate Art« campaign and the collection suffered heavy losses. After the Second World War, the municipal art collection was integrated into the Dresden City Museum. But the story continued: in 2000, the Dresden City Council decided to establish its own art museum, and in 2005 the doors of the Städtische Galerie Dresden opened.

Since then, our museum has been dedicated to the rich art history of the region and at the same time offers exciting insights into contemporary art from Germany and Europe. In the west wing, you can marvel at permanent exhibitions with works from the late 19th to the 21st century. The east wing and the Neue Galerie project room invite you to make new discoveries with changing exhibitions.

KI generiert: Das Bild zeigt ein prächtiges, historisches Gebäude mit einer weißen Fassade, umgeben von üppigem Grün und Bäumen mit leuchtend orangefarbenem Herbstlaub. Im Vordergrund ragt ein großer Ast mit orangenen Blättern ins Bild hinein, was die herbstliche Atmosphäre unterstreicht.Von 2003 bis 2006 wurde das Landhaus im Inneren umgebaut; neue Ausstellungs- und Funktionsräume entstanden. An der Außenfront der Ostseite errichteten die Architekten eine moderne Fluchttreppenkonstruktion. Am 2. Juli 2005 eröffnete die Städtische Galerie Dresden erstmals eine ständige Ausstellung.

Presentation in the Landhaus

The Dresden Municipal Gallery is located on the second floor of the historic Landhaus, which was built between 1770 and 1775 according to the plans of the court architect Friedrich August Krubsacius. Originally designed as a conference building for the Saxon estates, today the building offers an impressive setting for enjoying art at the highest level.