Show diversity,
experience education
KI generiert: Das Bild zeigt eine Person in einer gestreiften Bluse und dunkler Jacke vor einem unscharfen, farbenfrohen Hintergrund mit vielen Lichtpunkten. Die Stimmung ist eher düster, dennoch lebendig durch die Leuchtpunkte.

Real time

New works of art for the collections of the City of Dresden

26. Oct 21. Apr 25

Opening hours
Tue – Sun: 10:00 – 18:00
Fri: 10:00 – 19:00

24 & 25 Dec / 31 Dec: closed
1 Jan: 13:00 – 18:00
5 € per person | 4 € reduced
Friday from 12:00 free admission (except public holidays)

Why should public museums collect art? Certainly – to enable as many people as possible to participate in aesthetic experiences and cultural education. But all art collections in museums are also repositories of memory for the social community - they are the collective memory of our society.

Works of art can offer views of our world or provide insights into our society. Sometimes they simply provide a commentary, or they show us a whole new world.

This makes museums places where you can discover a variety of realities. Each exhibition offers a wealth of new perspectives, inviting you into spaces of reflection. These spaces are called poetry and knowledge, dialogue and discussion, humour and sensuality as well as memory and history. Step inside! You will discover at least 35 different views of the world.

We invite you to explore our reality anew in real time with this exhibition.